Miracle Grow in a bottle! Nasty boxes no more! The earth laughs in flowers!

I love SPRING time when it is time to clean up, clean out and get all your planting equipment in order. What I don’t like is the wet or tore up boxes of  products to make it all happen. I got a bottle at a garage sale for a 1.00 and decided to  recycle it and make it my Miracle Grow container. It was pretty plain so I  jazzed it up a bit with things I already had on hand.  I can change the quote on it whenever I like. It looks great on the porch instead of an ugly box and adds to the decor now. This product isn’t cheap and won’t be wasting it anymore trying to scoop it out for treatment of my plants. The color showing thru the bottle just happens to match my porch color theme.  So be on the look out for our “prize” miracle grow  bottle.  HAPPY  GROWING.

Supplies: a bottle with a seal of some kind. jute, bendable wire, chalkboard sticker, chalk,miracle grow, funnel of some sort and keep the scoop from the box and attach it so it is removable for use.